Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Jobs

I’ve been doing quite a bit around the house lately since my last post. One of the major additions was removing the old door that led into the back patio with a slider. The old door swung open and hit the kitchen table, not to mention there was a storm door on the other side. Opening 2 doors was a pain in the butt to get outside. It wasn't very convenient at all. The new slider is perfect. It is much larger which lets in more light and you can leave it open without fear of the wind whacking the door into your table. Installation was not as hard as I thought... Now I need to do a few windows...

The other major project was fencing in my back patio. There was a decorative fence around the patio (as you can see by the weathered grey cedar) that had 3 openings. It looked nice, but we like to let the dog out on the patio and not worry about him running off. I had placed chicken wire at the side attached to posts and narrowed the middle opening to accept a baby gate. Again, not very convenient… With much appreciated help from my father-in-law and 2 days of nice weather over Memorial Day, we were able to install the missing fence sections around the patio complete with a latching gate. It was an adventure digging post holes around the roots of a cherry tree and through Pennsylvania clay (concrete)...

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