Monday, June 28, 2010

Master Bath Progress

Wall prior to drywall. The extra foam insulation should help...

Here is the same shot after green board and drywall. The tub is going in this spot with the shower going to the right.

The throne goes under the window...

Here you can see the existing closet which we kept the same. Also you can see the future spot for the pocket door (hence the large header over the doorway).

The old bathroom had a daylight ceiling which dropped the whole ceiling at least a foot. Gaining a foot of height really changes the way the bathroom looks especially the skylight. Seems much more prominent... which is a good thing.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Saturday of Pain

I started demolishing my old bathroom this past Saturday. Several factors made this task I was actually looking forward to an epic chore. First was the weather. Saturday in Eastern PA, the temps were in the low 90's and the humidity was oppressive. Couple this with the fact that I was demolishing a second floor bathroom close to a roofline upped the temps at least 20-30 degrees. Once the walls were opened up, the room turned into an oven. Second, was the stairs. I wish I could have made some sort of slide out the window and just tossed everything out, but I couldn't or I would have destroyed a small roof and the plant life below. So I had to use the stairs. I took 47 trips, with one trip being up and down, carrying heavy items i.e. a cast iron tubs, sheets of plywood with tiles still attached, and trash containers full of drywall and tile. Third was the injuries. After a few times thinking I had something in my shoe only to look at my sole and notice a few nails going through, an errant nail finally got me and gashed my arm. Good thing Nurse Kate was on duty. After patching me up, I then procededed to put a 1-2" gash on my right temple while pulling out the fiberglass shower. Luckily a trip to the ER for stitches was avoided thanks again to Nurse Kate and some steri strips. The more likely scenario for an ER visit probably should have been the dehydration. My friend Christian and I started at 10 AM and finished up around 4:30 PM... It wasn't fun but at least it is over... Here are some before and afters.

Master Bath 2.0 Begins

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tiny Bunny.... in the yard.

A little Don Ho a la Weird Al reference...
A found this little guy in the yard while I was mowing. The neighbors would probably be mad if they knew I feed the bunnies Kate's left over salad mix at the end of the week. I can't help it... these little bastards are so damn cute. They don't eat any plants in my yard. Maybe they're full from the Wegman's Spring Mix...